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Seenugadi Love Story Censor Completed

 Seenugadi Love Story

  "Sinugadi love story 'complete sensor !!         Jairaj led by Harris, music, literature and audio vanamali celebrates' sinugadi love story ", had recently completed the sensor. Nayanataraudayanidhi Stalin, starring in the film "Clean Me" was awarded a certificate. Stalin presented the film under the banner of Bhimavaram Talkies udayanidhi tummalapalli was nirmistundadam ramasatyanarayana. All programs, including the full sensor array 'sinugadi love story "set to be released on June 12, producer ramasatyanarayana picture, he said. Glamour sick, children, comedy, Harris jairaj music, acting and production values ​​udayanidhi Stalin 'sinugadi love story, "he said in the film ayuvupattuga form. The film is a clean family entertainer that make success in Tamil and Telugu, 'Clean Me' certificate following the sensational success of the film sanketamantu sadhincaboye ramasatyanarayana was happy !!

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