Megastar Chiranjeevi Praises Thaman’s Heartfelt Words on Negativity in Cinema

 Megastar Chiranjeevi Praises Thaman’s Heartfelt Words on Negativity in Cinema  

"Read about Megastar Chiranjeevi's heartfelt response to music director Thaman's emotional statements on social media negativity about cinema. Their inspiring exchange highlights the importance of positivity and support for the film industry."

Megastar Chiranjeevi was deeply moved by music director Thaman’s recent statements addressing the negativity surrounding cinema on social media. At a recent event, Thaman shared his anguish over the growing trend of criticism that undermines the efforts of filmmakers and artists, urging people to support and cherish their own cinema.  

Responding to Thaman’s heartfelt message, Chiranjeevi took to the social media platform X and wrote,  

“Dear Thaman, your words yesterday were truly touching and heartfelt. It surprised me to see such depth of emotion from someone as cheerful as you. But it also showed how deeply affected you must be to speak out this way.  

Whether it’s about movies, cricket, or any other social topic, people on social media need to consider the impact of their words. As someone once said, ‘Words are free. Words can inspire. And words can destroy. Choose what you wish to do.’ If we stay positive, that energy will lead us in a positive direction. Thoughtful words, my dear. God bless.”  

In response to Chiranjeevi’s supportive message, Thaman expressed his gratitude, calling the megastar’s words unforgettable. Quoting the Bhagavad Gita, he wrote,  

“Dear Annayya, your words reminded me of the verse, ‘Karmanyevadhikaraste Ma Phaleshu Kadachana’ (You have the right to perform your duty, but not to the fruits of your actions).  

No matter how strong we try to be, we are all human. Sometimes, sorrow finds a way into our hearts. Your empathetic and understanding words have touched me deeply and will stay with me for a lifetime. Long live cinema.”  

The exchange between Chiranjeevi and Thaman has resonated with fans and cinephiles, highlighting the importance of supporting and celebrating the art of filmmaking.

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