Check out the review of Surapanam Movie by directed by Sampath Kumar produced by Matta Madhu Yadav Young Hero Sampath Kumar's Surapanam released in theatres Grandly with good Number of Screens Pragya Nayan played female lead
Plus Points:
Sampath Kumar, Pragya Nayan
Production values
Entertaining Elements
Minus Points
Little dragy
Second half can be better
Surapanam is the story of Shiva(Sampath kumar) who is the thief busy with regular theft activities one days he gets the deal from mallanna to steal antic lord Shiva statue after that the surapanam comes in to picture and Shiva changes totally what happened after that ? What is surapanam? Did Shiva handover the Shiva statue to mallanna forms the rest of the
In this segment we must appreciate sampath for his terrific performance he steals the show with his out standing work in the film. As a new actor playing 3shades role is challenging sampath succeeded in it Pragya Nayan has given her best in the film.Vidya Sagar, Anji Babu, Ajay Ghosh ,Surya Master Akhil, , Fish Venkat, Meesala Lakshman, and rest of the cast given their best
Technical Aspects
In this segment we must appreciate producers for their production values director sampath did his work well camera work is good dialogues are perfect Bheems Ceciroleo has given excellent music Editing is okay
On whole Surapanam is a different attempt and a decent entertainer.