The trailer of Sanjay Rao's Slum Dog Husband has been released today by popular hero Kalyan Ram. Young actor Sanjay Rao, who made his debut with the movie Pitta Katha, is coming up with a new movie called "Slum Dog Husband". It is known that the movie Pitta Katha starring this hero came as a diverse thriller and impressed everyone at that time. The trailer of this movie is clear that this upcoming movie is also going to come with a different comedy-entertaining story.
The trailer started with the scenes of a girl and a boy living in a slum area who are tempted to get married, but after that the whole trailer continued in a very different way. That girl should marry a boy means that the boy has a dog, so he first married a dog for that reason, and when he wanted to marry the heroine with the belief that after marrying the dog, the dog was gone, the court filed a case on how to get a second wife while the first wife (dog) is still alive. It became more interesting. After watching this trailer, the audience will not only find it strange but also there is an increase in the excitement. Especially the whole trailer is full of good comedy and it gives clarity that this movie will keep the audience laughing till the end. Moreover, in this trailer people like Brahmaji, Saptagiri and Ali have cultivated good comedy.
Coming as a proper commercial entertainer, Slum Dog Husband is directed by AR Sridhar and produced by Appi Reddy and Venkat Annapareddy under Mic Movies banner. The makers of the movie are going to announce the release date of this movie soon.
Cast & Crew
Actors:: Sanjay Rao, Pranavi Manukonda, Brahmaji, Saptagiri, Raghu Karumanchi, Yadamma Raju, Sunil
Art Director: Suresh Redrauthu
Costumes: Teja & Naresh
Business Head: Rajendra Konda
Executive Producer: Ramesh Kaiguri
Chief Ed: Katta Ramakrishna
DOP: Srinivas J Reddy
Editor: A. Vaishnav Vasu
Music Director: Bheems Cicerolio
Co-Producers: Nihar Devella, MK Chaitanya Penmetsa, Chinta Merwan, Prakash Jirra, Ravali Ganesh, Soham Reddy Mannem
Business head : Rajendra Konda
Producers: Appi Reddy, Venkat Annapareddy
Story-Screenplay-Lyrics-Direction: AR Sridhar
Banner: Mike Movies
PRO: GSK Media