Allu Sirish to share his fitness secrets through short videos

 Allu Sirish to share his fitness secrets through short videos

Allu Sirish’s toned physique in the recently posted gym selfies managed to impress one and all. The actor has now taken it a notch higher in his 30 second back workout video. This is a part of a short format fitness segment titled Training Day that the actor has kicked off on social media today.

Allu Sirish will be taking people along on his fitness journey, giving them a glimpse of his workout routine – all in just 30 seconds. The first video focuses on back workouts and goes on to show just how hard the actor works out in the gym! In the video, after a quick warm-up, we see the actor doing single-arm dumbbell row, sternum pull-up, seated rows and wide grip lat pulldown in an intense 30 seconds video.

This trend has also been noticed internationally, with many renowned artists like will smith, chriss hemswroth etc working towards finding innovative ideas in this space. We have learnt that Allu Sirish ensures to include various forms of fitness routines in his workout schedule, so it’ll be an interesting wait to watch what the actor throws up next.

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