The film industry has taken cognisance of the recent
developments in the area of women’s safety in the Telugu
Film industry and has decided collectively to deal with the
matter with utmost urgency and in a wholistic manner.
There have been systems in place within the various
organisations of the industry to deal with complaints of
sexual harassment etc, and several cases have been dealt
with as well.However ,in recent times a few people have
chosen alternative platforms to air their grievances ,and
that this has caused some degree of concern within the
industry.Hence, the TFI has collectively decided to take a
few short term and long term measures to ensure that
sexual harassment within the industry is dealt with swiftly
and justly.
These are as follows.
1.Setting up of a Panel against sexual harassment
comprising of 50 percent non industry members so as to
give it greater transparency and integrity.These members
include doctors,ngos,psychologists,educationists,ex
government officials etc.
2.The legal framework of the the guidelines for this panel is
being prepared by a team of legal experts.
3.We have already issued guidelines to producers
council ,MAA,TFDA etc regarding measures to be taken to
enhance women’s safety.For e.g., setting up of CASH
committees as per Vishakha guidelines in case not already
done so, providing of minimum toilet facilities and decent
changing rooms to junior artists, character artists ,doing
auditions only in in-camera facilities and in the presence of
at least one other woman present, avoid using profane
language in any form of communication etc.
4.We are in the process of conducting various meetings
with women groups within the industry to be able to
understand in greater depth their specific issues following
which more concrete policies can be framed.
5.The panel against Sexual harassment will also have a
direct hotline with she teams so that swift measures can be
6.Helplines via email, phone, sms are being /have been set
up so that women can easily approach the panel with any
7.Processes are being put in place to enable licensing of
model coordinators so that the candidates are properly
vetted and accountable.
8.Counselling will be set up for new actors who are wishing
to enter the TFI .
These are some of the measures being taken with the
intention of making the TFI a safe and healthy working
space for women.